Comparative Psychology

What does it mean to be human?

Though psychologists compare many different things, the term “Comparative Psychology” is reserved for the comparison of the behavior of different species. Since it involves the behavior of animals, comparative psychology forms a bridge between psychology and zoology. As such, we will discuss both primarily psychological, as well as biological, aspects of animal behavior.

Course:CBH 3003
Comparative Psychology
GenEd:Biological Sciences (B)
Professor Nicole Dorey
Department of Psychology

We will discuss how comparative psychologists understand the many things that different species do. Some scientists view various nonhuman animals as model organisms that can aid our understanding of the behavior of humans – as well as the evolution of human behavior. Others are more interested in nonhumans for their own sakes, and seek to understand the diversity of behavior in the animal world. Upon successful completion of this course, you will have a wide, yet relatively in-depth understanding of various abilities of nonhuman animals with respect to concepts that parallel what is typically considered “uniquely human.”

Goals of this Course

  • To form a bridge between psychology and zoology in understanding animal behavior.
  • To grow a better understanding of the differences of animal behavior across species.
  • To grow a better understanding of the many differences in the topic of animal behavior that occurs across species.

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