A Summer Abroad: Online Gators Study Microbiology in the United Kingdom

Studying abroad is an opportunity to enhance perspectives on foreign cultures while experiencing unique lessons outside of a traditional classroom environment. Several students of Dr. Monika Oli’s Medicine, Microbiology, and Health course embarked on a 21-day excursion across the United Kingdom. Below, we highlight the experiences of three UF Online microbiology and cell science students, Alicia, Ryan, and Sophia, who were able to take the international trip to study with Dr. Oli.

“As a broad overview, one of my favorite things was just being on the trip with UF. As an online student, sometimes you feel distant being away from campus and without the actual face-to-face interactions of a traditional college experience. It was nice getting to meet my peers.”

– Ryan Miller, Microbiology and Cell Science

“I would say we had a lot of free time, but not much down time. Every minute of the trip was packed with something interesting and there was never a dull moment.”

– Alicia Evans, Microbiology and Cell Science

“To students who are considering studying abroad, I would say go for it! The connections that you make, exposure to new cultures and ideas, and the ability to learn a bit about yourself are well worth it. It doesn’t have to be a grand tour, just putting yourself out there is a rewarding experience.”

– Sophia John, Microbiology and Cell Science

Explore Microbiology & Cell Science

Get started on your own path to an exciting career in the sciences with a degree in Microbiology and Cell Science. Offered by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Microbiology and Cell Science major allows students to experience first-hand research and participate in engaging labs, all while being taught by UF’s renowned faculty. Ready to take the next step? Learn more about UF Online’s Microbiology program below.