Raider to Gator: UF Computer Science Student Discusses Transferring Journey

The third week of every October is National Transfer Student Week, which recognizes the distinctive adversities encountered by transfer students in pursuit of their educational goals. In honor of National Transfer Student Week, we are highlighting UF Online Computer Science student, Ricardo Carvalheira.

Ricardo transferred to the University of Florida after earning his Associate of Arts degree from Seminole State College and determining a fully online program would serve him best. Now enrolled via UF Online, Ricardo says his strong support system allowed him to continue earning his bachelor’s degree and overcome unexpected difficulties presented by the COVID pandemic.

Earn Your UF Degree in Computer Science

Unlock your potential by earning your UF degree in computer science. Students will develop skills in project management, network security, and learn technical components needed to succeed in a multitude of industries. UF Online’s computer science degree sets graduates up as qualified candidates for careers ranging from government security to higher education. Learn more about UF Online’s computer science program.