Health Promotion
The minor in health promotion provides a basic understanding of the community health field and an opportunity to gain background in a variety of health issues related to disease prevention and health promotion. Coursework for this minor focuses on health promotion and disease prevention among special target groups within a particular community, with the ultimate goal of providing practical health information to diverse population groups through the use of behavioral interventions.
This minor requires the completion of at least 15 credit hours of HSC coursework. Students should refer to the course descriptions in the undergraduate catalog for any prerequisites for each course. The minor is open to all juniors and seniors, with the exception of students majoring in Health Education and Behavior.
A minor will add an extra set of skills to your career ambitions, such as learning the fundamentals of health promotion. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart when applying to graduate schools or to a broader range of job prospects and industries. Whether you choose to do a minor to complement your degree or optimize your education, a minor will provide additional value.