Active-Duty Father of Four Earns Geography Degree via UF Online

Earning a college degree is no easy task on its own, but try doing so in a home where the children outnumber the parents 2-to-1. Add a full-time active-duty U.S. Air Force profession into the mix, and you’ve got an idea of what it’s like for Brandon Deusenberry. Brandon is a 37-year-old UF Online geography graduate who has plenty of insight on balancing the expectations of earning a college degree with a demanding profession and a busy household.

Earn a UF Degree in Geography

With a UF degree in geography, students can learn career-ready skills, such as geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, aerial photo interpretation, spatial analysis, modeling, database handling, and computer-based cartography. Taught by faculty within the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, UF Online’s geography program aims to prepare students for careers in environmental science, urban and regional planning, business geography, medical geography, and geographic education. Learn more below.